
'Learning Together for Life'

We aim to develop pupils’ abilities and enjoyment of art and to embody the key principles of all good art education.

At Hartford Manor we aim to encourage pupils to:

 1. Develop original creative ideas

 2. Realise these ideas in some tangible form, developing skills as they do so

 3. Understand, recognise and appreciate the qualities of creative works, improving and evaluating their own work in the process  

4. Know about the world of the visual arts placing their work in this wider context.

Throughout the school, art is taught using a topic and skills based approach, drawing on knowledge and inspiration from art from other cultures, artists from periods in history and based on the childrens appreciation for their environment. 

Main areas of study are- Drawing, Colour, Texture, Form, Printing and Pattern

Both KS1 and KS2 are encouraged to explore, study and create artworks using a range of materials Although most art lessons are led by the class teacher there have been opportunities for pupils to take part in wider art challenges( such as Nortwich Art Trail ), local community based activities ( art within the community) and working with an artist during projects such as felting and clay tile project. 

Throughout the school there is strong evidence in sketch books ( in years 3,4,5,and 6) and floor books (in years 1 and 2)  through to final art pieces to suggest that pupils are given opportunities to explore and develop their creativity. Art is displayed throughout the school.

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