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'Learning Together for Life’
At Hartford Manor we offer a broad and rich curriculum where children learn how science works and why science matters in the world. We teach thought provoking science through a sequence of lessons and ensure pupils develop a secure understanding of the knowledge and concepts.
Science is taught through first-hand experiences, with a range of resources and stimuli. Children are taught to work scientifically; this develops progressively through school. We aim to develop pupils’ ability to experience, observe and explore the world around them. Pupils are encouraged to be curious, ask questions and develop an understanding of scientific ideas by using scientific enquiry to answer their own questions.
At Hartford Manor we aim to encourage pupils to:
- Develop scientific knowledge through scientific enquiry
- Explore, investigate and ask questions to deepen their understanding
- Use scientific language to communicate their ideas
- Link their ideas to everyday life
- Reflect on their thoughts and understanding
- Experience science in a range of settings
- Understand the uses of science today and for the future
- Have an awareness of the impact of science, scientists and their discoveries
We offer wider opportunities for science through a series of after school clubs, science workshops, science based trips, visits from science experts and collaborations with STEM ambassadors and other schools. These opportunities enable us to deliver an inclusive and rich curriculum to inspire future scientists.