Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mrs Ravenscroft
Mrs Benson
Mrs Benson (Barn Owl Class)
Mrs Ravenscroft (Tawny Owl Class)
Follow us on Instagram @hartfordmanor72
Our spring term topic is called...
Could you survive in the Hartford jungle?
During the spring term, our topic work will have a Geography emphasis. We will be finding out about biomes and where the rainforests of the world are located and what the environment is like there. We will focus in on South America and its geographical features, countries and climate. Alongside this topic, in English we will be reading the book 'Hatchet' by Gary Paulsen. We will be replicating some of the main character's survival techniques during our 'Survival project' in Marshall's Arm nature reserve (den building, foraging, using nature's resources). Later in the term, we will also be learning about the lifestyle of the Ancient Maya civilisation who lived in South America.
Here are some more of our planned units of work:
Design & Technology: Textiles. Combining different fabric shapes to make a 3D textile product
Computing: Programming & Online safety
Science: Living Things & their Habitats
Evolution & inheritance
Art & design:Explore texture, 3D clay sculptures
PE: Invasion games (hockey), striking and fielding (cricket), gymnastics
PSHE: One World & Digital well being
Click here for the full Key Stage 2 Curriculum Overview
We will set homework on Teams each Monday and work can either be uploaded or returned to school in the children's homework books by Friday
PE Days: 6KR Wednesday & Friday
6EB Thursday & Friday
Important dates:
2nd and 3rd September - INSET day
4th September - Back to school
30th September & 4th October - Y6 Chemistry with Cabbage days
10th-22nd October - Y6 Bikeability training
25th October - INSET day
8th November - Outdoor learning
11th November - Local History/Remembrance visit to St. John's church
21st November - 'Hartford Wealth' in school for Y6 Financial Education workshops
10/17/24th January - Y6 Survival project
6th March - World Book Day
w/b 12th May - SATs week
16th-18th June London residential
16th July - Y6 performance at the Grange theatre
- Dates could be subject to change during the year
Celebration assemblies will be on Fridays at 9am, every third week. You will get a message from school if your child is receiving an award in assembly.
If you need to get in touch with a member of the Year 6 team, please phone or email the school office, speak to one of us on the playground at home time, write in your child's diary or send a message via Teams.