Year 4 2024 - 2025
Mr Bedford
Mrs Meyer
Mrs Burrows
Welcome to Year 4
The team - Mr Bedford, Mrs Burrows and Mrs Meyer (teaching Mr Bedford's class on Mondays and Mrs Burrows's class on Tuesdays).
Mr Bedford's class is known as Chaffinch and Mrs Burrows's class is known as Goldfinch.
Our Autumn Term topic is:
What did the Romans do for us?
We will be learning about:
- Where the Romans came from and when they came to Britain.
- Who lived in Britain before the Romans.
- Why the Romans invaded Britain and how the Britons reacted.
- The story of Boudicca.
- Roman soldiers and the Roman army.
- Roman towns in Britain.
- The legacy of the Romans in Britain.
Alongside our topic, we will be learning about:
Art & design: shading techniques, mosaics
Computing: learning about the Internet, creating a podcast.
Science: states of matter, digestion.
PE: gymnastics, football skills, badminton, rugby skills.
RE: - Judaism, how do Jews demonstrate their faith? Christianity, what is incarnation?
PSHE: - exploring friendship, fair trade - children's lives in other countries.
MFL - Greetings in French, family.
Click here for the full Key Stage 2 Curriculum Overview
P.E Days
Mrs Burrows's Class- Tuesday & Friday
Mr Bedford's Class - Monday & Friday
Homework will be set on Mondays on Teams and should be handed in by Friday. It can be handed in over the course of the week. There is no need to wait until Friday.
Celebration assemblies
These will be on Fridays at 9am, every third week. You will get a message from school if your child is receiving an award in assembly.
If you need to get in touch with a member of the Year 4 team, please phone or email the school office, speak to us on the playground at home time or write in your child's diary.