Year 2 2024 - 2025
Miss Hadfield
Mrs Heywood
Welcome to the Autumn Term 2024
Miss Hadfield - Robin Class. Mrs Dean will teach Robin Class on a Thursday afternoon.
Mrs Heywood - Sparrow Class. Miss Frith will teach Sparrow Class on a Thursday morning.
Mrs Goode, Mrs Martin, Mrs Buckley and Mrs Drake also work and support in Year 2.
Our topic for this term is 'Where I Live'.
This term, we will be exploring our local area and will learn about changes that have happened in Hartford over time. We will also be learning more about the United Kingdom and will be able to name, locate and identify the countries, capital cities and seas of the UK.
In English, we will be reading the book 'Three Little Monkeys' by Quentin Blake and Emma Chichester Clark.
In maths, the children will improve their understanding of place value of numbers to 100. The children will also develop strategies to use when solving addition and subtraction questions and problems.
In science, we will be learning about animals and their offspring. We will also learn about the importance of exercise and a healthy diet.
Please see our Curriculum Overview on the website for more detail on all subjects.
Our priority for homework is reading in Year 2. We ask you to ensure your child reads at least three times a week.
Every child has access to a Numbots login which they can access from home. We also suggest using the ‘1-minute maths’ app (White Rose Maths). Both of these will help your child further develop their number fluency. The 'Maths Frame' website is also useful for exciting games to encourage practising addition and subtraction.
PE Days
Robin Class - Thursdays and Fridays.
Sparrow Class - Mondays and Fridays.
Please come to school in PE kits on those days. Please ensure your child comes appropriately dressed for these lessons, particularly in the winter as outdoor sessions still take place. We request that no jewellery is worn in school and on PE days we ask that your child has any earrings covered or taken out.
Celebration Assemblies
Celebration assemblies will be on Fridays at 9am, every third week. You will get a message from school if your child is receiving an award in assembly.
Social Media
Instagram account: @hartfordmanor72
Here you will find updates, reminders and photos of the school in action!