Reception 2024 - 2025

Miss Ingman

Mrs Atherton

Welcome to Reception!

Class teachers: Mrs Atherton (Cygnets Class)  Miss Ingman (Goslings Class)

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Aspinall     Mrs Gauterin     Mrs Capper

Follow us on Instagram @hartfordmanor72


Welcome to Hartford Manor Primary School and Nursery.  We are very excited to welcome you to Reception! 


 What are your superpowers?

Is all treasure gold?


During the Spring term, children will be continuing to explore their classroom and will be building on their friendships made throughout the first term. We will be focusing on children becoming more independent when putting away and getting their belongings at the start and end of each day.  Children will be continuing to develop their independence during snack time by washing their hands before accessing a healthy snack.  During 'busy time' children will continue to learn how to play in each area and will continue to use the term 'choose it, use it, put it away' to help when tidying up.

Throughout Reception we will be exploring different themes within our provision.  In Spring 1 we will be learning all about the season of winter, finding out about lunar new year and exploring superheroes and real life heroes through our topic ’What are your superpowers?’    In PSED we will be learning about the importance of making good choices and being kind to those around us and the environment. In our literacy lessons we will be using the text 'Juniper Jupiter' and will be learning the nursery rhyme 'Incy Wincy Spider'.  In maths we will be introduced to the number 0 and will be subitising numbers to 5.  We will be exploring, representing and comparing numbers 6-8 and will be looking at odd and even numbers and also the concept of doubling. We will also be exploring and comparing capacity.

In Spring 2 we will be exploring lots of different themes within our provision including the season of spring, Easter and pirates, which links to our topic, ’Is all treasure gold?’.    In our literacy lessons we will be using the text ‘The Story of Pirate Tom’ and will be learning an information text all about Pirates.  In maths we will be introduced to the numbers 9 and 10.  We will be representing, composing and subitising up to 10.  We shall also be looking at the concept of doubling and which numbers are odd and even. 

Please see our Long-Term Plan and also our termly newsletters for more of what children will be learning throughout the Spring term. 

We use the Floppy Phonics scheme to teach our daily phonics lessons which has two sessions for each sound.  


Children need to come dressed in their PE kit every Monday.

Celebration Assembly

Celebration Assembly will be on Friday at 9 am, every third week.  You will get a message from school if your child is receiving a reward.


Homework will be set on a Friday.  This will be uploaded on Tapestry every Friday, along with the weekly snapshots.


Each week you will be able to see photographs of your child's learning on Tapestry.

Important Dates

Wednesday 12th March, drop off till 10am —Gosling’s stay and play
Wednesday 19th March, drop off till 10am—Cygnet’s stay and play
Thursday 1st May, drop off till 10am—Gosling’s stay and play
Thursday 8th May, drop off till 10am —Cygnet’s stay and play
Tuesday 17th June, drop off till 10am—Cygnet’s stay and play
Wednesday 18th June, drop off till 10am—Gosling’s stay and play



We use the Development Matters guidance document to plan our curriculum. Please click here for Development Matters.


If you need to get in touch with a member of the reception team, please phone or email the school office, speak to one of us when you collect your child or send us a message via Tapestry.



















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