Teaching & Learning

Our TLSAB sub-committee has a wide-ranging remit and our detailed terms of reference setting out what we do is attached.

In summary, we seek to ensure that the school’s curriculum is:

  • Broad and balanced.
  • Relevant to the needs of all children.
  •  Provides continuity and progression.
  • Adequately resourced and fully imbedded in what is taught at school.  

We monitor and interrogate the school’s performance data to assess the impact of teaching and learning so we can be confident in how well our children are doing.  We also ensure that the school’s policies in relation to behaviour and safety of our children are effectively implemented and we have specific responsibilities to ensure that the school has sufficient resources to support children with special educational needs.

Our sub-committee includes parent governors and co-opted members to the governing body and also includes the Head Teacher and the school’s SEN coordinator. We typically meet twice every term.