Year 6 2023 - 2024

Mrs Ravenscroft

Mrs Benson

Mrs Benson (Barn Owl Class)

Mrs Ravenscroft (Tawny Owl Class)


Follow us on Twitter @HartfordManor72 and Instagram @hartfordmanor72


Our summer term topic is all about...


During the summer term, our topic work will focus on London. Lots of our work will be leading up to our trip to London (10th-12th June). We will find out about why London is our capital city, why the city grew in that location and comparing it to other world cities, like New York. We will also find out about the history of the Tower of London prior to our visit. This unit will help develop our map skills as well as linking together some of our Key Stage 2 history units. This term we will be celebrating the children's time at Hartford Manor and working towards our end of key stage SATs and end of year performance at the Grange Theatre. Hopefully, the term will be one for your child to remember!


Here are some more of our planned units of work:

Design & Technology: Textiles - making a 3D textile product

Computing: 3D modelling; programming - sensing movement

Science: Animals,including humans

Art & design: Printing, architect study

PE: Rounders, swimming, orienteering

RE: Christianity locally and globally; What is the Kingdom of God?

PSHE: Money Matters & Growing Up

Click here for the full Key Stage 2 Curriculum Overview 



We will set homework on Teams each Monday and work can either be uploaded or returned to school in the children's homework books by Friday


PE Days: 6KR Wednesday & Friday

                6EB Tuesday & Friday

Important dates: 

4th September - INSET day

5th September - Back to school

2nd/6th October - Y6 Chemistry with Cabbage days

wb 11th Sep and 4th Oct - Y6 Bikeability training

20th October - INSET day

10th November - Remembrance at St. John's TBC

14th November - Photograph day

2nd January 2024 - INSET day

3rd January - Back to school

12/19/26th January - Y6 Survival project

7th March - World Book Day

w/b 13th May - SATs week 

3rd June - INSET day

7th June - Swimming sessions start (each Friday pm)

10th-12th June London residential 

17th July - Y6 performance at the Grange theatre


  • Dates could be subject to change during the year

Celebration assemblies will be on Fridays at 9am, every third week. You will get a message from school if your child is receiving an award in assembly.


If you need to get in touch with a member of the Year 6 team, please phone or email the school office, speak to one of us on the playground at home time, write in your child's diary or send a message via Teams.


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